Wednesday 12 January 2011

Back to the book

Now the moping must stop and I must cull something from the present. That means concentrating on the Book. Publication date is 1st June, so I will be in limbo until then. Should I read my horoscope? A mate says I am due for money from June. Better money than love? This month I say Yes.

The cover needs to be hiked into shape. I am happy with the front, but the back is not easy enough to read. I've been studying book rears from the shelves downstairs. A box to set off the text? Or my faded pink leopard print. Are we getting tacky? But I cannot continue the church nave background on the front. My protagonist Marilyn's antics include Italian underwear and (Italian?) sex. Surely that requires a lustier template.

I hate toying with Photoshop. Feels like I am up against someone far brainier who hides all the rules.

I am also working on my contact list for book reviews. So far I'm on the Release List for the Chick Lit Club and am working my way around. It's a start. Any ideas? Journalist friends? Bookshop owners? I am aiming to target not only English women with a penchant for Italy, but women who have travelled or who live abroad, or who simply want to exercise their English and have a raunchy laugh.

Back to the screen. Arrivederci.


  1. Helllo - if you are doing a blog tour, I'd love to review the book! Sounds just the thing to ward off a chilly summer in the UK...

  2. Hi Vanessa thanks for writing. Yes I think I am doing a blog tour here and would love a review in the works. However I don't even have proofs yet, just a manuscript and cover design. Perhaps we could try for next month? So far I have a great jacket comment from Chris Manby but that's it! Ciao Cat
